dalam sesi explorasi ad-deen episode 3(SEED) yg baru dihadiri hari tu kat masjid hidayah(kot),seksyen 18 shah alam,slot ke 2 ceramah,abg tu ade ulas ttg factor kejayaan muslim dan antara poin2 yg dia kemukakan:
1)permulaan tabiat manusia yg rabbaniyah
2)perjalanan manusia yg fitrah dan
3)pengakhiran tabiat manusia yg rabbaniyah
so pe maksud ketiga-tiga poin yg abg tu kemukakan tu?
well,to explain it in simple terms,he gav us all few of the stories of d prophets and other Islamic role model at those times and the one that I wish to share today is about nabi Ibrahim,isterinya,dan anak mereka,nabi ismail yg ketika itu br berumur bebrapa bulan..
ps:crita ni berdasarkan yg kite ingat je,klu tak precise sgt,bia neh..
ok back to the story, so one day Ibrahim a.s out of the blue has brought his wife and son out of their house thru the desert by foot towards mesir..half way thru,in d mid of the desert,he left/abandon his wife and kid..imagine leavin ur love ones in a place u urself not sure where plus its in d desert where as we r all aware of has no water and is extremely hot!
puzzled,his wife chase after him and asked him why is he leavin them there..but 4 d 1st and 2nd time that his wife asked he jus kept quiet.the 3rd time she asked again and she added another point to him askin if wat he is doin is actually Allah’s will.calmly Ibrahim a.s answered,yes.
hearin tat his wife(a woman of great faith 2 her religion and the one and only god) accept it as it is and goes back 2 where she left ismail a.s in d mid of the desert totally,completely without doubt believing in Allah’s arrangement to them and that Allah will take care of them.even so,as she hears ismail’s cry for water, she, with her motherly instinct,run back and forth btw 2 hill(safa and marwa kot namanya)in her quest 4 water so tat she cud feed her baby wif breast milk.onli after d seventh time tat she runs back n forth in search of water that Allah grant a well(telaga zam zam as its known now)at ismail’s legs.with tat she is able 2 drink the water so that she cud feed her baby her breast milk.
then came a guy(a qazilah kot panggilannya),yg pentingnya he is sooo not a good guy,BUT with Allah’s power,He ‘softens’ the guy’s heart and by Allah’s grace this guy was willing to let them go and didn’t even try to chase them away and take the well for himself.padahal this guy is supposedly to be very cruel and by nature he shud hav killed both of them and confiscate the well,BUT with Allah’s help the two is spared..
tapi klu kite pk pk lebih sikit tgk macam mane kedua-dua(nabi dan isterinya)boleh terima dgn sepenuh hati perintah Allah dan meletakkan sepenuh kepercayaan kpd janji Allah yg akan melindung setiap umatnya tanpa sebarang rasa ragu dan ingkar,double subhanallah..
mmg manusia agung yang Allah pilih aje layak diuji sebegitu(betullah Allah takkan jatuhkan pada kite musibah yg tak tertanggung oleh kite)
tapi jom kite kaitkan crite ni ngn poin2 yg abg tu bg td as factor kejayaan muslim.
tuk poin pertama,kite ble nmpk dr sikap Ibrahim a.s n isteri yang reda dan meletakkan sepenuh kepercayaan atas perlindungan Allah(Rabb) yg Esa.subhanallah..
poin kedua,kite ble nmpk dr usaha bersungguh isteri nabi dlm mencari air pd kws tanah yg jelasnya kering kontang.walaupun dgn iman yg kuat terhadap Allah yg bisa dgn senangnya bg sahaja perigi tu dr awal,isteri nabi ttp tak hanya duduk berpeluk tubuh dgn ‘musibah’ yg dihadapinya ketika itu walhal ujian yg tertimpa ke atas beliau adalah kehendak Allah,malah m’beri dorongan kat beliau tuk berjuang mendptkan sumber air secepat mungkin..jom renung,klu benda ni jadi kat kite,dgn rase percaya yg amat kuat that Allah is gonna take care of things for us eventually,will us ACTUALLY work our evry all to do all those things in order 2 survive?bukan ke senang klu kite just duk dediam and tgu rezeki yg kita CONFIRM Allah dah janji kat kite?tapi,pk pk balik,ble ke camtu?ade ke kejayaan tanpa usaha??
poin ketiga plak bile akhirnya Allah jadikan telaga zam zam kat celah kaki nabi ismail and mereka terselamat dr penindasan seorg hamba Allah yg sepatutnya sgt kejam..subhannallah…allahuakbar…
harapnye,sume dpt relate ngan example yg saya dah ceritakn blk ni tuk kehidupan seharian kite..
memang kite percaya yg Allah dah menetapkan bg setiap seorang umatnya satu penetapan yg sesungguhnya paling tepat dan terbaik,tapi,klu kite tak berusaha dan tunjukkan pada Allah tat we r worth his giving us all those nikmat,Allah nak ke bg kat kite..?renungkan ek,klu isteri nabi Ibrahim yg imannya jauh lebih mantap dr kite yg masih terumbang ambing mcm sampan dagang yg kosong kat tgh laut pun berusaha tuk dptkan kejayaan yg Allah dah tetapkan tu,apatah lagi kite nih?layak ke?astaghfirullah halazim…moga Allah bukakan hati kita ni tuk sedar akan usaha yg harus diiringi bersama tuk kita rase worth terima nikmat Allah tu..
renungkan:selain udara,ade ke benda lain kat dunia ni yg free?klu betul tanpa usaha boleh
Berjaya,ade ke org lelama akan come out dgn peribahasa usaha tangga kejayaan?
tepuk dada tanya iman..pergantungan pada Allah adalah sebaik-baik pergantungan tapi usaha yg diselaraskan dgn pergantungan tulah yg lebih cantik dan lebih bermakna lagi..wallah hualam…
Posted By s.O.a.P on/at 2:52 AM
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